Which Type Of Residential Fence Should You Install?

2 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog


While you may have once dreamed of having a white picket fence around your property, it might not be the best for what you need or want. As you wander through the store looking at the different types of home fencing, be sure to consider the following so you don't end up with a fence that does not do what you need.


The most important aspect for the type of fence you have built is the purpose. If you merely want a boundary for your property, you won't need anything too strong or tall. You could use a split rail or picket fence. However, if you are trying to keep pets in, you may need something tall enough to keep them from jumping or climbing over it. You will also need to make sure that the animal cannot fit through the spaces between rails or get its head stuck. A chain link fence is a good option for keeping animals where they belong and can be built to almost any height. When you want the fence to provide privacy, you will want there to be very small, if any, openings. If you decide on chain link you will need to add privacy strips or attach shading material to it.


Think about what type of maintenance will be required to your fence. Anything made of wood will need to be sealed or painted regularly to look good. You can use vinyl posts and rails for either a picket or split rail fence to keep the maintenance to a minimum. However, the vinyl may be damaged by strong winds.

Regulations and Boundaries

If you live in a development with a homeowner's association, you will need to make sure that any fencing you erect is allowed. It would also be a good idea to have a simple survey done to make sure that where you place the fence is actually on your property. You would not want to have to take it down because part of it sits in a neighbor's yard.

Fencing can be simple or ornate. Even if you have a simple fence erected at first, you can always add finials or other decorative pieces later. The important thing is to make sure that the fence works as intended first. Start simply so if you need to make adjustments or changes the added expense will be as minimal as possible.